2 Minutes Will Save You Thousands on Your Wardrobe
Today, I’m sharing with you something that I just heard about from youtuber Drew Scott. That’s a link to his video, from where I heard about this. And it could potentially save you thousands of dollars. It’s called, Shoptagr. It’s a free service that notifies you when items you’ve tagged, go on sale. I think it also notifies you when items come back in stock, or low stock. But I haven’t gotten that far yet. It only works with specific stores, but don’t worry it is a pretty extensive list. The only ones that I noticed were missing were Mr. Porter and Neiman Marcus/Bergdorf Goodman. But it works on Barneys, Saint Laurent, Shopbop et al.
It's the one in the middle.
The way it works is, you create an account. You’ll be given a link to download the app for safari or whatever you’re using. It’s just a plug in that shows up on the toolbar. Now that you’ve got the plug in, you want to know where you can use it. Look through Shoptagr’s list of cooperative vendors, and pick your favorites. When you’ve found something you’re interested in, but not at full price, click the button on the toolbar. Do this when you're on the page of the item you want. You select the color, if there are any variations, the size, and what you want to be notified for. You can also create lists. I did, but I don’t think it’s required.